Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I was able to watch the sunrise this morning. Can you take a guess at how long it has been since I've done that? I can't even tell you. It's been at least 17 months. I take every ounce of sleep I can get while T-Puppy is sleeping, which usually means waking anywhere between 8-9. As far as rising early and going to my solitary place... it's usually once T-Pup has had breakfast and is playing that I get to sit down and spend some time with the Lord. It was such a treat though to see the sunrise. I was reading in "Let Me Be A Woman" by Elisabeth Elliot, and I had totally new revelation. She says:
"The jellyfish and tiger know what they were made for. They, with all the sea monsters and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and frost, mountains and hills, beasts and all cattle, praise the Lord. By being a jellyfish, the jellyfish glorifies its Creator, for by being a jellyfish it fulfills its Creator's command."

So... who wants to be a jellyfish? (Sounds like a strange gameshow!). Rest in the fact today that you were created to glorify your Creator. Get up early and watch the sunrise. Walk in the image you were made in. encouraged me, hope it can do the same for you :)

1 comment:

megan stout said...

ahhh i get the jellyfish and tiger analogy now ;)