Thursday, January 24, 2008

I must confess I would rather be napping at the moment, however my darling daughter wanted to be awake. Early Tuesday morning W was struck with the Egyptian virus, and, well, it was pretty bad. I was determined not to get it, so I made many efforts to keep everything sanitized. Sadly enough, my efforts failed. On Wednesday morning around 1 or 2 am, it began. From that time until mid morning is an absolute blur. W stayed home to watch the children, and maybe every hour and a half or so would bring me Sam so I could nurse her. I was so weak I couldn't even pick her up! My whopping 12lb. little girl. So, I'm better. Just weak... (reason for the desired napping).

I am so saddened by the death of little Bronner Burgess. I don't know if it's the fact that we have a two year old also, but it absolutely grieves me. I am so grateful for the reaction of their family though. Rick's message at Bronner's memorial service was so amazing (you can see it at ). I don't understand why God allows these things to happen, but as best as I know how I trust that He is God, and He is good.

In closing, my little Sam is holding her head up so good when she is on her tummy! She is close to hip-riding! Not there yet, but I suspect it will be in the next month or so. Also, Saving Sarah Cain is an AMAZING movie! The producers did a wonderful job of capturing the heart of the author (Beverly Lewis - one my my all time faves). In the Love Comes Softly series, they changed so much from the books to the movies that it is almost altogether different, but definite definite kudos to the producers of Saving Sarah Cain.

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