Wednesday, August 23, 2006

babies everywhere

I can't think of a title right now, so maybe by the end of the post I'll have one. I can't believe today is already Wednesday. Time seems to fly by at such a rapid speed. I am beginning to realize more and more that our time on earth is indeed a mere glimpse of eternity. Isn't that wild? That in itself is what the Lord has been showing me concerning my thoughts of the future... and whatever happens on this earth, use it to produce character in me... for now and eternity.

So that might have been a small tangent, but all is well. We found out this week our friends Alan and Maranda are having two baby twin girls (). There are pregnancies everywhere I look... my sister, our cousin Amanda, Stacy W., Heather F., Alan and Maranda, Barbara S... it's amazing. I'm really looking forward to our next one. I really want T-Pup to have a little playmate. It'll be at least a few more months though. Maternity rider won't be over until December, and I really want to go skiing in February with W and the youth group... and rafting next summer, but that might be stretching it.

So birthday plans are going well. I'm excited more than anything now. My family isn't going to be able to make it, but I understand and hope to send them a DVD of the party.

I tried to upload a picture of me and t-pup, but it wouldn't work... maybe next time.

1 comment:

megan stout said...

aww michelle--how was the par tay? i hope it went well. wish i coulda made it. i hurt my knee on friday pray for a healing! love ya and ill call ya soon :)