Monday, August 21, 2006

Birthday Blues

Well, several people have asked if I'm sad or upset that T-Pup is on the verge of his first birthday. This is absurd to me. I'm just as excited as he is! I'm even excited at all of the new goodies he'll be getting. However, what I am a little apprehensive over is the actual birthday party. I wanted it to be a small, sweet setting.... in our home, where he could get down and play, etc. Our family here is HUGE, but we could still handle the smaller party here. But, then I remembered the others we wanted to invite... a few of our friends, a couple youth and their families... and next thing you know I've mailed out 24 invitations.

So, after some prayer I realized we could still handle this. I know. We'll have it at the church. Whit checks and the fellowship hall is open. Ok, cool. I'm doing the party Sunday from 2-4, so we won't have to have any real food - just cake, ice cream, and drinks. I've always wanted to make my children's birthday cakes... just a natural thing, I think. Now, I'm having dreams about this cake! It falling apart... or tasting bad... or not being cute... but in the day time I'm not worried about it. It's a pretty simple cake, with most of the decorations being put on there. The hardest part of decorating will be the crumb coat and top coat of white icing. Come on, this is 8th grade home ec stuff. There isn't any icing bag decoration, save "gluing" the decorations on with icing. I'm trying to be peaceful... :)

So, this week will consist of preparations for Sunday, and the normal homely duties I love and enjoy.

1 comment:

megan stout said...

doin it big for thomas huh?! :)
i dont think i have received my invitation yet...haha.
p.s. i asked deebo what day specifically thomas' bday was and he didnt know. so next time he brags about being "the best uncle ever" or something, you can remind him of that ;)