Tuesday, February 05, 2008


At this week's weigh-in, I lost 3lbs since last week! That makes a total of 4lbs in two weeks. Can't see it yet, but if I keep it up (trying my best) I think I'll start to see a difference in my clothes in the next few weeks. Yay!

Today is Super-Tuesday and we went and voted first thing. I am proud to say I voted on the Deomcratic ticket for the 2nd time in my life. The first was when Jimmy Sandlin ran for Family Court Judge in Lauderdale County (a GOP hadn't been elected in some 20 years I believe, so he ran on the Dem ticket). Today I voted in the primary for Barack Obama. I say I am "proud" to have voted on the Dem ticket not because I am a democrat, but because I am willing to look past my own conservative ideals and look at the bigger picture. The GOP's will take care of themself. I just don't want Hillary.

Anyway. Here is a sweet picture of my little princess.


Hugs said...

Wow, she's cute! How did you do it?? :) Good job on voting. Did you have a booth? I'm with you on Obama, too, definitely him over Hillary. Yikes!

megan stout said...
